Week 4 – To Lynton

Friday 19th Dec 08

Another milestone day, this time Sarchie has his evening meal of rice pudding stopped. He is now moving towards complete solids as he is growing well.

He is very obedient and is sleeping well at night. He does not like being woken in the middle of the night to go to the toilet outside. However as soon as he goes outside, he always goes for a pee.

He likes to be centre of attention from 7am, and occasionally starts yelping. This is soon stopped by a quick harsh word. Overall he is doing very well and now has the added benefit of having Georgie there to look after him during the school holidays.

Today he is going to Lynton with Angie and Georgie for a works trip. It is dry so I am sure that he will enjoy the ride and they can all go out for a walk later.

About Sarchie